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Government Procurement

"Nikan Group" LLC is pleased to welcome you and invites you to participate in the formation of a dealer network in all regions of Ukraine

Асортимент шкільних та дитячих меблів та офісних НІКАН груп

A wide range of furniture products that are manufactured
in accordance with the best European standards and implemented promising production technologies.

екологічна продукція НІКАН ГРУП

Products, for the manufacture of which use high-quality environmentally friendly materials and reliable accessories.

дилерська знижка НІКАН ГРУП

Dealer discount, which allows to form a competitive price.

сертифіковані товари НІКАН ГРУП

Certified products that undergo thorough quality control.

гарантія на продукцію НІКАН ГРУП

Providing a guarantee for the entire range of furniture.

доставка НІКАН ГРУП

Finding the best option for delivering orders to every corner of the country.

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