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Modern furniture for laboratory rooms

School furniture

лотки та комплектуючі

Plastic trays and spare parts

трибуни та вішалки

Tribunes and hangers

Children's furniture

Office furniture

computer desks and cabinets

Desks, tables and stands

universal wall for offices and classrooms

Series of furniture for offices and classrooms

Our company NIKAN GROUP  welcomes you and invites you to participate in the formation of a dealer network in all regions of Ukraine.

We offer:

1 меблева продукція
Nikan Group
2 меблі
3 дилерська знижка

A wide assortment of furniture products manufactured in accordance with the best European standards and advanced production technologies

Products manufactured using high-quality environmentally friendly materials and reliable fittings.

A dealer discount that allows you to set a competitive price.

4 сертифіковані товари

Certified products that undergo rigorous quality control. Providing a guarantee for the entire range of furniture.


Delivery of orders to every corner of the country and abroad.


Our team

We are a cool team of like-minded people united by common goals, ideas and achievements.  Every day brings us new challenges and tasks that generate ambitions to generate new ideas, projects and, of course, ways to implement them. We are guided by the slogan; "An idea whose time has come!" Our team is always open for communication, suggestions and we will be happy to answer all your questions!

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Gallery of our works

Got questions? Write to us

Thank you! We will contact you soon.

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