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About us

Trading company "NIKAN GROUP" is an official representative of furniture factory "Anshar Group" LLC - one of the best manufacturers of furniture for educational and preschool institutions, libraries, office and auditoriums not only in Ukraine, but also in Poland, Lithuania, Romania and Moldova.

All products of our supply are certified and passed a sanitary and hygienic examination. Furniture is manufactured using high-quality German equipment. Modern warehouses create optimal conditions for product storage and quick shipment times.

The products we supply are made from materials and fittings that have quality and conformity certificates, sanitary and hygienic examination conclusions and radiation quality certificates. Our products have a modern design, affordable prices and are in great demand among consumers.

We care about the health of our children, which is why our furniture is made only from environmentally friendly materials from the best suppliers

НІКАН ГРУП шкільні меблі
наша команда

Gallery of our works

We offer

"Nikan Group" LLC is pleased to welcome you and invites you to participate in the formation of a dealer network in all regions of Ukraine

асортимент продукції НІКАН ГРУП

A wide range of furniture products that are manufactured
in accordance with the best European standards and implemented promising production technologies.

екологічні продукція НІКАН ГРУП

Products, for the manufacture of which use high-quality environmentally friendly materials and reliable accessories.

дилерська знижка НІКАН ГРУП

Dealer discount, which allows to form a competitive price.

сертифіковані товари НІКАН ГРУП

Certified products that undergo thorough quality control.

гарантія на меблі НІКАН ГРУП

Providing a guarantee for the entire range of furniture.


Finding the best option for delivering orders to every corner of the country.

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Products are shipped subject to full payment

транспортна компанія НОВА ПОШТА  НІКАН ГРУП

You can choose the transport company at your own discretion. You pay the costs of delivery to the transport company yourself. Discount on transportation

самовивіз НІКАН ГРУП

Pickup is carried out from our warehouse

комунікація НІКАН ГРУП

If you cannot pick up your order on the date agreed with our manager, please let us know, otherwise it will be canceled after 3 days.

вартість доставки НІКАН ГРУП

The cost of delivery by the carrier can be about 10% of the cost of the order, depending on the place of delivery

дата відвантаження НІКАН ГРУП

The date of shipment is determined by agreement with you

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